MacOS & LetsEncrypt & Certbot
Generating ssl certs using letsencrypt, certbot on MacOS
Step 1 : Install homebrew following this link
Step 2 : Install certbot using brew
Step 3: Run the following command
sudo certbot certonly \
— manual \
— preferred-challenges=dns \
— email \
— server \
— agree-tos \
-d “*”
Step 4: While it is waiting for verification, goto your Domain’s DNS Management Console and add a TXT record with name and value as
Type: TXT
Name/Host: _acme-challenge
Note: Do not append your domain at the end
Value: RD08ewENwG9eAa4PEkoDjvAtEIkwKF4ZLMd8aaAxKM4
Note: Above value is just an example, it will be different for different domains and time of generation
Step 5: press “Enter”
That’s it!